FULL Tafqeet Tool V1.2 AR ENl Extra Quality
the javascript function provided below converts all arabic full words into numbers taking into account the correct arabic grammer rules for the counted subject (masculine or feminine) and the correct positioning of the arabic string for the various types of numbers.
FULL Tafqeet Tool V1.2 AR ENl
devexpress engineers feature-complete presentation controls, ide productivity tools, business application frameworks, and reporting systems for visual studio, delphi, html5 or ios & android development. whether using wpf, asp.net, winforms, html5 or windows 10, devexpress tools help you build and deliver your best in the shortest time possible.
used alone, with your own component or linked with wptools, wpdf instantly creates pdf files (2000 pages in 100 seconds). this component provides you with a compatible 'canvas' property which you can use for direct drawing. metafiles are created internally and then sent to the pdf engine. wpdf also understands a great number of gdi commands and supports text, graphics, hyperlinks and bookmarks, outlines, thumbnails, compression, encryption, watermarks and much, much more. informations status: with nag-screen source: included exe demo: included size: 3 274kb platforms: cb6, d2005, d2006, d2007, d2009, d2010, d4, d5, d6, d7, dxe, dxe2, dxe3, dxe4, dxe5