The New Testament Canon and Its Critics: A Historical and Theological Response
# Canonicity: A Collection of Early Testimonies to the Canonical Books of the New Testament ## Introduction - Define canonicity and explain its importance for Christians - Give an overview of the process and criteria of canonization - State the main purpose and thesis of the article ## The Old Testament Canon - Explain how the Old Testament books were recognized as authoritative by Jesus and the apostles - Mention the Council of Jamnia and Josephus as confirming witnesses - Address the issue of the Apocrypha and why it is not part of the canon ## The New Testament Canon - Explain how the New Testament books were written by or under the supervision of apostles - Mention some examples of how the apostles claimed authority for their writings and how they equated them with the Old Testament scriptures - Address some challenges and objections to the apostolic authorship and authority of some books ## The Early Church Fathers - Explain how the early church fathers used and cited the New Testament books as authoritative and inspired - Mention some examples of influential fathers such as Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus of Lyons, Tertullian of Carthage, Origen of Alexandria, Eusebius of Caesarea, Athanasius of Alexandria, Jerome of Bethlehem, and Augustine of Hippo - Address some variations and disagreements among the fathers regarding some books ## The Early Church Councils - Explain how the early church councils affirmed and ratified the New Testament canon - Mention some examples of significant councils such as Laodicea (363), Hippo (393), Carthage (397), Rome (382), and Trullan (692) - Address some misconceptions and myths about the role and authority of the councils ## Conclusion - Summarize the main points and arguments of the article - Emphasize the reliability and sufficiency of the New Testament canon - Encourage further study and appreciation of the canonical books ## FAQs - What are some non-canonical books that were written in the early centuries? - How do we know that we have all the books that God intended us to have? - How do we know that we have the original words and meanings of the canonical books? - How do we respond to critics who challenge or reject the New Testament canon? - How do we apply and live by the teachings of the canonical books?
Canonicity;: A collection of early testimonies to the canonical books of the New Testament
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